What is My Job Market Value?

What is My Job Market Value?

“What is my Job Market Value?”
Being a Recruiter, most often than not, I am asked by a lot of candidates “What is my market value?” For this, I am unable to come up with a perfect answer, instead, I have a lot of questions in my mind. Let me share with you of what are these doubts that I have:-

Scenario # 1:

An Accounts Manager, drawing RM 6300 being head-hunted by another company for the same position at higher offer had just tendered his resignation but being countered offer by the incumbent employer for RM 10,000 with the condition to oversee another operation department (e.g. purchasing department). He was overjoyed, so much delighted that he almost withdrew his resignation. In such a circumstance, based on simple mathematics, do you think the Manager worth RM10, 000 or RM 5000 (assuming RM 5000 for each department duties/responsibilities)?

My Doubt # 1: Is this a simple mathematic question with simple answer?

Scenario # 2:

A Production Manager, drawing RM 8000 with annual bonus track record hovering between 2 to 16 months for the past 6 years or averagely RM 5000 per month from the annual bonus distribution for the past 6 years. Do you think that the candidate worth RM 13,000 (RM8k + RM5k) or RM 9600 (RM8000 x20% of increment normally)? From candidate’s perspective, he worth RM 13,000 and that’s the reason he is getting averagely RM 13,000. On the other hand, from the employer’s perspective, because my company is performing well, hence, you are getting RM 13,000.

My Doubt # 2: Is this value depends on company business performance or solely depends on your own work performance?

Scenario # 3:

A General Manager, drawing RM 15,000 per month, performing the role of coordination between production workers and machines maintenance as well as reporting the details to the business owner feels the job satisfaction is not as high as an Operation Manager of another company which he ended up drawing RM 10,000, where he can make a lot of impactful operational decisions.

My Doubt # 3: Is the so-called market value determined/judged by own self or by the employer?

Last but not least, is "Value" in the eyes of beholder?

Not to mention those who work in Singapore, the value differences is simply due to CURRENCY effect.

By Grace Sia on 13 January 2018