Tips On How To Keep Birds Away

Tips On How To Keep Birds Away

''The balcony of the apartment was invaded by pigeons. The thick layers of excrement may become a breeding ground for viruses. The relevant units are urged to pay attention to the problem of bird disease.''


I believe that some of you should have seen the news before. In particular of coastal area, coupled with the super breeding ability of pigeons, many residential houses in northern Malaysia, such as Penang /Butterworth/ Alor Setar are troubled by birds infestation. The most disturbing thing is that birds like to build nests around the balconies/air-compressor covers area.


According to the new research from researchers, the numerous pathogens in the bird droppings can cause as many as 60 different types of diseases. 

Humans coming in direct contact with these droppings or inhaling the aerosols resulting from dried droppings, may contract various diseases.

Mild cases may have nasal allergies, but there may also be other complications such as bronchitis, meningitis and so on. In severe cases, it may lead to death, which is more terrifying than covid-19. 

Therefore, if there are bird nests or bird droppings on your balconies or surrounding air compressor area enclosures for a long time, those place need to clean and disinfect regularly to avoid environmental and health hazards.


The common ways to get rid of pigeons are as follows:


1. Birds Repellent Reflector

The most common and easiest way to repel birds which is to hang a CD/ birds repellent reflector and use the reflection of sunlight to scare away the birds and prevent pigeons from flying into the balcony. 

It may be effective at first, but over time, when the birds get used to the reflected light, it is also gradually unable to achieve the effect of scaring off the birds. 


2. Tie Colorful or Shiny Ribbons
Birds are terrified by things that floating around in color. Therefore, some people will hang some red flags nor tie some of colorful ribbons, etc., to scare the birds.

However, the principle is same as hanging CD/ birds repellent reflector. After a long time, birds will gradually get used to it, and the bird repelling effect will become weak.

3.Birds Spikes

Birds avoid thorn plants such as onions, yellow vines and other thorns in their natural environment.

Therefore, the needle-like appearance of the bird spikes can deter birds from roosting in desirable areas thus achieving a ''physical control method'' that does not harm birds.

The most common installed area are on the outdoor air compressor/ balcony railing. Bird spikes can only be used on the surface of objects where birds often stay. However, birds will still nest and defecate surrounding the balcony/air compressor.

4. Install Invisible Safety Grille

For best solution to prevent birds from entering the balcony, it is recommended to install the invisible safety grille. They are installed on the balconies to avoid bird invasions into your house. Additionally, invisible grills ensure the safety of your family by preventing any accidents from occurring while you are standing on the edge of a balcony.


Won’t affect the building appearance.

The grille as thin as 2.0mm, so it won’t affect apartment complex appearance. Also, the invisible grille matches the modern style building.