Sky Lim
Sky Lim


Sky Lim

Sky Lim, a dedicated member of BKG Setapak for eight years, consistently demonstrates excellence. In 2023, he maintains a strong presence in the BKG Monthly Top 10 and proudly holds a distinguished position in the BKG Monthly Elite Club's Top 3. Sky's outstanding performance extends beyond BKG, with recognition in Vivahomes Nationwide's Top 30 in both 2022 and 2021.
  • Joined 8 years in BKG

  • Year 2023 BKG Monthly Top 10

  • Year 2023 BKG Monthly Elite Club Top 3

  • Year 2022 Vivahomes Nationwide Top 30 

  • Year 2021 Vivahomes Nationwide Top 30 

For valuable insights and expert guidance to make informed decisions, do not hesitate to arrange a meeting with Sky. He is well-prepared to assist you in making the right choices that align with your goals and aspirations.