Shaft Construction
Shaft Construction


Shaft Construction

Typical sheet-piling shaft construction is noisy and prone to services damage if prior trial holes are not conducted properly. We provide caisson shaft construction that reduces the vibrational and noise hazards to the surrounding buildings and sensitive structures.

Benefits of Caisson Shaft Construction:

  • Reduced Noise and Vibration: Our caisson shaft construction method significantly minimizes noise and vibration during the excavation process, protecting surrounding buildings and sensitive structures from potential damage.

  • Minimized Environmental Impact: By reducing the need for extensive surface disruption and noise, caisson construction is more environmentally friendly compared to traditional sheet-piling techniques.

  • Enhanced Safety: The caisson method reduces the risk of damage to existing underground services and structures, offering a safer solution for urban and sensitive construction environments.

  • Improved Precision: Advanced equipment and techniques used in caisson construction ensure accurate shaft excavation and alignment, which is crucial for the success of your construction project.