Meridian massage (Tui Na) is a natural and physical therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), using various hand techniques such as pushing, pressing, kneading, pinching, tapping, and grasping to manipulate the body's meridians and acupoints. This therapy aims to regulate the body's Qi and blood, promote circulation, relax muscles, and balance the body’s internal systems. It is widely used for both health maintenance and the treatment of various conditions.
Benefits of Meridian Massage (Tui Na):
- Regulates Qi and Blood: Tui Na helps balance the flow of Qi and blood throughout the body, improving circulation and overall vitality.
- Unblocks Meridians: The massage unblocks obstructed meridians, relieving pain and discomfort caused by stagnation.
- Relaxes Muscles and Promotes Blood Flow: Tui Na helps to relax tense muscles, improve blood circulation, and alleviate muscle stiffness and soreness.
- Reduces Fever: It can help reduce fever and relieve symptoms caused by external pathogens.
- Boosts Immunity: By balancing the body’s functions, Tui Na enhances the immune system and supports the body's natural healing processes.
Precautions for Meridian Massage (Tui Na):
- Acute Infectious Diseases: Patients with acute infectious diseases should avoid Tui Na to prevent worsening their condition or spreading infection.
- Bone Marrow Inflammation and Tuberculous Arthritis: Those with acute bone marrow inflammation or tuberculous arthritis should not undergo Tui Na.
- Contagious Skin Conditions: Patients with contagious skin diseases, eczema, skin ulcers, or burns should avoid Tui Na.
- Bleeding Disorders and Heart Disease: Those with bleeding disorders, serious heart disease, or cardiovascular conditions should not undergo Tui Na.
- Tumor Patients and Critical Illnesses: Patients with tumors or in critical condition should use caution with Tui Na.
- Pregnancy and Frail Elderly: Pregnant women beyond five months and frail elderly individuals should avoid Tui Na.