Jelly Glue for Rigid Box Manufacturing 天地盒 - Fully Auto and Semi Auto

Jelly Glue for Rigid Box Manufacturing 天地盒 - Fully Auto and Semi Auto

We have the most comprehensive ranges of Jelly Glues that are able to fulfill different types of production, such as: Gelatin Glue Animal Glue
- Fully Auto Machine: 20~30 pieces/min 
- Semi Auto Machine: 10~15 pieces/min 
- Proven production with below renown machine: Kolbus DA36, Kolbus DA260 DA270, Li Shun Yuan 力顺源, Shengtu ST036B 晟图, Emecci, Horauf, Zhengrun 正润,Zhongke 中科 etc... 

Contact us for more info [email protected]